Choose from the following sweets (10 Max) to be added to your bag and write them in the text box below.
Fizzy sweets:
Fizzy Watermelons (GF)
Fizzy Peaches (GF)
Fizzy bubblegum bottles (V, Ve)
Fizzy Sour Cherries (V, Ve)
Fizzy Dummies (V, Ve)
Fizzy Mix (V, Ve)
Fizzy sour apples (V, Ve)
Fizzy Strawberry Bites
Fizzy Apple Belts (V, Ve)
Fizzy Strawberry Belts
Flying saucers
Red Paintballs
Fizzy Little Mix (GF, DF, V, Ve)
Non-fizzy sweets:
Bubblegum Bonbons (GF, V)
Fried Eggs (GF)
Random Jelly Mix (GF)
Jelly Babies
Rhubarb and Custards
Banana Foams
Yellow Belly Snakes
Cola bottles
Baby Dolphins
Dolly Mixture (GF)
Jelly snakes (GF)
Haribo gold Bears (GF)
Strawberry Pencils
Milk bottles (GF)
Mallow Bears
Moaom Stripes
Rainbow Berries (GF)
Happy Cherries
Cinema Mix
Meerkats (V)
Giant Strawberries (V)
Blue Millions (GF, V, Ve)
Pink Millions (GF, V, Ve)
Green & Red Candy Canes (GF, V, Ve)
Green & Red Candy Poles
Christmas Trees (GF, DF)
Pink & White Mice (V)
Jazzies (V)
White Chocolate Snowies (V)
Chocolate Pink Pigs (V)
White and Strawberry Chocolate Spinning Tops (V)
Mini eggs (V)
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